Saturday, 19 May 2007


Study continues - not as well as hoped, but possibly better than expected. After a month and a half of revision I actually feel fairly comfortable regarding about half of the material on the exams, so hopefully in another ten days I'll be comfortable with the rest? :|

The papers are May 29th/May 30th/June 1st/June 2nd... 12 hours of exams in 4 days. Why oh why they can't put some breaks between the things, I have no idea. I'm beginning to wonder if my fingers are up to writing for three hours straight like that - I haven't really done more than a few minutes of handwriting in the last two years. I don't really have much time to practice now either, although I'll probably do one or two exam-style essays this week just to check how long an hour is in 'writing time'...

After the last paper I plan to spend the first week of June doing very little at all... meditate, draw, write, and generally unwind. I'm looking forward to that. I think it's much more beneficial to look forward to the post-exam relaxation than to stress too much over the exams ;)

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