Tuesday 20 March 2007

Life goes on

It's been a while again, hasn't it... after Laura's mum left on the 15th, I've been busy revising and also holding a belated birthday trip and meal for Laura. We went to see Return to the Forbidden Planet at the ADC theatre, which was really quite good fun, and much enjoyed I think by L who knew the music better than I did. Then yesterday I cooked up chicken enchiladas (which is L's favourite meal) to her mum's recipe (a photocopy of which she'd sneakily passed to me after she arrived) and the two of us ate far too many of them along with a Mexican side dish and watched the Season One finale of ST:Enterprise. I'm told it was a good birthday.

Revision is going tolerably well. Tomorrow I will be having lunch with Aubrey to discuss what I'll be doing after my exams and whether or not he will be paying me to do it. I'm pretty optimistic that he will, something which I find immensely reassuring and is helping me not to stress over said exams.

While reading up on cytochrome c I encountered this FAQ, which looks really quite thorough and well written, and I shall be reading properly later. It never hurts to have more ammunition for the inevitable occasional conversation with a creationist. ;)

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